4 Ways To Treat Rosacea Naturally

4 Ways To Treat Rosacea Naturally
Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects approximately 16 million Americans with even more than in temporary remission. Rosacea usually first appears in middle age, although people of any age can be affected. The National Rosacea Society reports that 70 percent of those with rosacea have indicated having rosacea has lowered their self-esteem and self-confidence.
Rosacea often appears as having a red or flushed face, but there can be many other symptoms as well. The following are some types of rosacea:

- The first and most common type of rosacea causes facial redness, flushing and visible blood vessels, which can be seen around the cheeks, chin, nose and forehead. Rosacea can go through periods where it appears to be in remission and then will reappear unexpectedly.
- The second type of rosacea is acne-like breakouts that include sensitivity. This is the common type among middle-aged women.
- The third type of rosacea includes symptoms of swelling, fluid retention, thickening skin especially around the nose, redness and a combination of the other types of rosacea.
- The fourth type of rosacea is called ocular rosacea which develops around the eyes, resulting in dryness, bloodshot eyes, watery eyes, frequent styes, redness and swelling, blurry vision or difficulty seeing, increased sensitivity to light and crusting on the eyelids and eyelashes.
Many factors can contribute to rosacea, like stress, sun exposure, alcohol, exercise, hot drinks and meals; but they don’t actually cause rosacea. Rosacea is usually passed down genetically and is common among people with fair complexions.
Although rosacea causes very sensitive skin conditions, many people typically find themselves using topical creams and lotions that only cause more redness and make the symptoms worse, instead of addressing any potential underlying problems. There are medical treatments that can effectively help people who suffer from rosacea, but there are also ways to treat it naturally. The following are some general suggestions on how to treat rosacea naturally:
- Look at rosacea as more than just a skin-deep problem. Skin problems like rosacea can often be attributed to what may be going on in your gut. Contributors to skin problems can be caused by digestive disorders such as leaky gut syndrome, which is when the lining of your digestive tract is more like a net with small holes that only allow specific substances to pass through. Other causes could include excessive bacteria in the small intestine and ulcerative colitis. Many of these problems within the gut can be triggered by food allergies and then subsequent skin disorders.
- Wear sunscreen daily. Wearing sunscreen on the red, sensitive areas on your face will prevent UV rays from aggravating and triggering rosacea flare-ups. However, use a sunscreen for sensitive skin to prevent your symptoms from becoming worse.
- Use natural cosmetic and skin products. By using natural, organic skin products that contain coconut oil, aloe and other non-chemical products, you can get hydration and healing. Natural products are often less irritating, safer and less expensive compared to traditional cosmetics.
- Supplements and essential oils. Herbal remedies, natural oils and plant based products may not only help alleviate red, inflamed breakouts caused by rosacea, but also help heal the root of the problem by fighting any bacterial growth, yeast and fungus problems, as well as improving blood flow.
As with anything else that concerns your health, you should always consult your healthcare professional with any health concerns. The skin is the human body’s largest organ so it’s critical to address anything out of the ordinary with a doctor.
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