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Globe Life Insurance

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Get information on life insurance for Adults, Children, or both
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Term Life For Adults
Whole Life For Children
Adults + Children
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Age Group(s):
Or call: 1-800-742-6787
Choose Your Coverage:
  • $5,000
  • $10,000
  • $20,000
  • $30,000
  • $50,000
  • $100,000
$5,000, $10,000, $20,000, $30,000, $50,000, $100,000
No Medical Exam —
Simple Application
No Medical Exam—Simple Application
Free Quote—Apply Online
No Waiting Period Full Coverage The First Day
Fast Approval Process
Full Coverage The First Day—Fast Approval Process
Monthly Rates As Low As: $3.49 for Adults
$2.17 for Children or Grandchildren

Customer Reviews

   13,070 Google reviews 4.2 out of 5 stars
$1* BUYS $100,000

Term Life Insurance for Adults

Buy direct from the comfort of your home! It’s easy to buy. Online application can be completed in minutes. There is no medical exam—just a simple application.

Peace of mind for you and your family Feel secure knowing that money will be there for credit card bills, home and car loans, children’s and grandchildren’s future education and even your medical and final burial expenses.

Life insurance that fits your budget Choose the right coverage amount to fit your monthly expenses.

$1* BUYS $30,000

Whole Life Insurance for Children

Take the first step towards a financial head start for your child or grandchild Your child’s policy builds cash value for the future.

Benefits never canceled or reduced Once approved, your benefits will never be reduced or canceled regardless of changes in age, health or occupation as long as the premiums are paid on time.

Rates are guaranteed to stay the same for life The monthly rate is based on your children’s or grandchildren’s present age and is guaranteed to stay the same for the rest of their life.

Globe Life is rated A (Excellent)

Globe Life is rated A (Excellent)** by A.M. Best Company based on their latest analysis of Globe Life's financial strength, management skills and integrity.
(rating as of 10/24)

Family Life Insurance

What is Family Life Insurance?

Family Life insurance is coverage through multiple life insurance policies, or policies with riders to cover dependent children. This kind of coverage helps provide financial protection for members of the whole family. When most people think about life insurance, they think about insuring spouses or parents of dependent children. Coverage for these family members should be a top priority, but obtaining life insurance for other family members can also be important.

While life insurance can help cover final expense costs, lost wages due to time away from work and outstanding medical bills, life insurance for children and grandchildren also provides valuable coverage they can carry into adulthood. This can help secure their future insurability and lock in low childhood rates while they are young and healthy. The best family life insurance coverage will take into account the family’s specific situation so that everyone has the coverage they need.

Planning Ahead: Family Life Insurance

It doesn't matter how old you are, or what stage of life you are in, planning for your future should always a priority.        

It doesn’t matter how old you are, or what stage of life you are in, planning for your future should always a priority. Life insurance is a key step in securing your future and the future of your family.

If you have thought about family life insurance in the past, but don’t currently have a life insurance policy, the time to secure one is now. You never know when you may need a life insurance policy and that’s why it should be a top priority.

Family Life Insurance: Globe Life - Buy Direct

Planning ahead for the unexpected can help give you peace of mind and security. Family life insurance can help your spouse, children, or other family members if something happen to you. It can protect your family from the burden unfortunately experienced by so many people that are not covered by adequate life insurance.

Dealing with financial burden and difficult financial decisions while dealing with the loss of a loved one is a common reason why people buy family life insurance. Planning ahead and purchasing a family life insurance policy allows people the ability to rest assured knowing that finances won’t be an additional source of grief for their family.

Life insurance for your children or grandchildren can also be an important step in providing future security. Many people think their own life insurance policy is all they need to protect their children. However, life insurance policies for children have many added benefits.

For example, giving someone a life insurance policy as a child can provide them continued coverage as they grow. Their coverage may accumulate a cash value, enabling them to have a financial head start on their life insurance as an adult. It can be especially beneficial if they ever become uninsurable due to factors like illness or a hazardous occupation.

Even though it can be hard to think about, it’s important to understand the potential consequences if you die unexpectedly without financial protection in place for your family.

Family Life insurance can protect your family if something happens to you and in addition, can give you and your loved ones an invaluable sense of security.

When you decide the time is right to purchase life insurance for yourself and your spouse and children, make sure you plan ahead. Giving yourself time to find affordable life insurance will ensure you made the right decision for you and your family.

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Coverage Options For The Entire Family

Protect your family and plan for the future