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Top Ten Health Tips For Active Women Over 50

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Growing older doesn’t mean you have to give up the things you love. If you’re a woman who has been active in sports or regular exercise during your lifetime, then odds are you’ll want to maintain some level of activity throughout your senior years. There are beneficial health tips for active women over fifty that can help you stay fit and healthy for years to come.

Weight training is an excellent place to start to maintain strength and muscle tone. As women age, they often face bone loss and are at a higher risk for bone fractures. Weight training can substantially slow down bone density and muscle mass loss. Whether you use free weights or machines, be sure to incorporate weight-training into your weekly exercise routine.

Top Ten Health Tips For Active Women Over 50 | Globe Life

Stay more active and ensure you’re getting the best nutrition for your age and lifestyle by taking Vitamin C for collagen formation and Omega-3 oils for anti-inflammation. Vegetables and fruits will provide the bioflavonoids needed to improve circulation. Protein helps you maintain and rebuild muscle, but stick to quality protein like fish, poultry and soy.

As you approach the age of fifty, the risk of developing high blood pressure naturally increases. This is because blood vessels actually lose elasticity with age. High blood pressure increases the risk for heart attack, kidney disease and stroke. Avoid processed foods as much as possible and eat whole foods instead in order to keep your blood pressure at a healthy rate.

Aerobic exercise like walking, running or swimming can help strengthen the heart and lungs. As you grow older, aerobic activity remains an important part of cardiovascular and overall health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week for adults up to age sixty-five.

Screening tests exist for diseases in order to catch them in the early stages. It is a good idea for active women who are fifty and above to get screened regularly for breast and cervical cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Screening for osteoporosis is also recommended for women over the age of sixty-five and those at high risk for bone fractures.

The average person over the age of fifty begins to lose muscle mass at a rate of approximately half a pound per year. Women also experience changes in their hormone levels that can cause fat storage and thus, weight gain. While using strength training and aerobic exercise is important to stay fit, it’s also important to eat properly and accept that you’re not likely going to be as thin as you were in your twenties.

Most athletic people understand that flexibility is an important part of overall fitness. Older people, however, tend to lose flexibility due to the natural aging process and lower activity levels. Regular stretching can help joints and muscles remain more flexible, reducing the risk of injury. Aim to stretch all major muscle groups before and after each exercise routine to stay flexible and healthy.

Falls and their resulting injuries can become a pressing concern for women age fifty and over. Practicing your balance will help you stay active as well as maintain and improve your mobility. To stay in your best shape possible, try to regularly do exercises that improve and maintain balance.

Core strength is often one of the first things to fade with age. Subsequently, fat tends to gather around the mid-section. Loss of core strength can also lead to a sore back, hips and other physical aches and pains. Even some knee and neck pains can be traced back to poor core strength. Exercise your core to whatever level is right for your current age and fitness level. Maintaining core strength will help you stabilize your body and stay fit.

Many women are at risk for developing bone loss as they age. Getting enough calcium in your diet can help guard against serious bone loss. Milk and yogurts contain calcium as well as fortified orange juice, broccoli and beans. Soymilk is a good low-fat alternative to regular milk as well. If you suspect you still aren’t getting enough calcium in your diet, try taking a calcium supplement daily as recommended by your doctor.

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