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6 Tips To Be More Productive

In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, people are often forced to try to accomplish a lot in as little time as possible. The methodology is multitasking or trying to do several things at once. It may appear to be a more productive way to achieve the end result, but is it?

Today multi-tasking seems like a basic requirement for most jobs, but is juggling several tasks at one time really a productive way to function, or is it actually making everyone less efficient? Believe it or not, multitasking can eventually rob you of quality time whether at work or with family and friends.

6 Tips To Be More Productive | Globe Life

The following are six tips on how to maximize your time and be more productive without sacrificing the rest...

  1. Replace quantity with quality. As a parent, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by everything that needs to get done, but try to focus on one thing at a time. You can incorporate your kids to help you and make fun moments by working together. Kids usually love to help make dinner and even help with household chores if you’re doing it together. The quality time you get back replaces any amount of time you spend doing it.
  2. Set your alarm. If you focus on one task at a time, giving yourself time to do each task, you can actually work faster. Set a timer for how long it should take to complete a task. It will become a race against time as you work and can give you motivation to get done before the alarm rings.
  3. Disable alerts on your phone. Constant notification alerts on phones can be very distracting. Having that constant reminder pop up can leave you tempted to check and answer each text message, email or other notifications. When you are trying to meet a deadline at work or spend quality time at home with your family, simply disabling notifications on your apps can make a world of difference in how you spend your time throughout the day.
  4. Delegate your to-do list. There are many apps available that can help you organize your calendar as well as go the extra mile like delivering groceries right to your door. Some stores will even do the shopping for you when you email them a list. All you need to do is pick them up when you are ready. Delegating things whether big or small can open up your schedule to higher priorities.
  5. Take time out for you. In order to be more productive, you need to remember self-care. Unfortunately, fatigue costs companies billions of dollars every year in productivity. Making sure you get plenty of rest and eat properly in order to feel more focused and energetic.
  6. Learn to let go. Realize you aren’t being lazy by letting a few things on your list slide. Learning to say no sometimes or that it’s okay to simply wait sometimes until you have more time. Concentrate on what’s important right now and what can wait until later. Prioritize your list and do what is most important that day. Remember that feeling like you have to accomplish everything will actually make you less productive.

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