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Why Seniors And Caregivers Need To Laugh More

Why Seniors And Caregivers Need To Laugh More

Being a senior caregiver can be overwhelming and can take a toll on health and even emotional state of mind. Seniors can also become depressed and feel anxiety as they continue to age.

So, how can you create a more positive environment, not only for yourself as the caregiver, but for your elderly loved one as well? Laughter, as the saying goes, is often the best medicine.

Why Seniors And Caregivers Need To Laugh More | Globe Life
  • Laugh for better health. Laughing, especially during stressful situations, has emotional, mental and physical benefits. Laughing can help with relaxation and muscle tension, reduction of blood pressure and improved circulation.
  • Laugh to lighten the mood. Try to find humor in any situation to make the mood lighter and ease stress and tension. Under overwhelming circumstances it’s easy to feel defeated. Find an inside joke that makes you laugh and remember it in those times where it matters most.
  • Laughter equals positivity. Laughing together exudes a positive message and can actually be encouraging. Having a more positive outlook on life even in the face of illness or other struggle can help ease anxiety and be a powerful medicine against depression.
  • There is happiness in laughter. Remember that aging can be a difficult process for seniors, so remember to practice empathy. Laugh as much as possible to show a more lighthearted attitude. When you’re happy, everything around you seems easier. Laughter is often a symbol of happiness and it tends to spread. It’s not only the best medicine, but quite contagious as well.

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