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Five Health Tips for Women over 50

Most of the time women are so busy looking after their families that they have very little time left over for taking care of themselves. But if you’re a woman over 50, you’ve learned that taking time for yourself is a necessary part of keeping everyone well. And as your body ages, taking care of your health becomes more important than ever.

Here are 5 easy tips for keeping yourself healthy that every woman can follow, no matter how busy she is!

Five Health Tips for Women over 50 | Globe Life

Tip # 1 - Eat healthy. There’s nothing you can do for your body more important than following a healthy diet. It not only ensures that you get the vitamins and minerals you need to fuel your body, but it just plain makes you feel and look good. Your diet should include plenty of fruits and vegetables, raw as well as cooked.

A healthy diet is the fastest, most complete way to enhance the health of every part of your body and it gives your hair and skin that healthy glow. Read labels! You’ll quickly learn what you should and shouldn’t be eating just by taking the time to read labels and learn how different ingredients affect your health.

Tip # 2 - Get on a good exercise program. Whatever your preference in exercise: walking, aerobics, yoga or the newest dance exercise craze, make sure that you exercise regularly. Add strength training with weights to help keep your bones strong. Find the exercise program that appeals to you, vary your routine to keep it fresh, and exercising will be a pleasure and not a chore. There are exercise groups you can join and there are DVDs and videos you can use for exercising at home.

Tip # 3 - Have a physical examination with your physician every year. A regular exam establishes your doctor’s familiarity with your physical condition and ensures that your health is being monitored. See your GP and your gynecologist, too. They will check your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels and they can advise you about diet and exercise programs.

Tip #4 - Take your vitamins and calcium regularly. Taking a vitamin supplement will help your body get all of the vitamins and minerals it needs daily. There are a lot of supplements for seniors out there to choose from. And taking your calcium regularly will keep your bones strong.

Tip # 5 - Take some "me" time every day. Yes, we’re all busy. But one of the best things you can do for yourself—and those around you!—is to take some time for yourself. Find a peaceful place to go, whether it is in your home or just inside your head, and take a minute to be calm and quiet and count your blessings. It’s better than a nap! When you feel good, you look good and vice versa, so what are you waiting for? Start with these 5 easy to do healthy tips and build on them. Pretty soon, your friends and family will be noticing and commenting on your improved looks and vitality!

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