How to Change Your Life in 10 Days

Imagine if you could feel younger, healthier, more secure, and more satisfied with life in just 10 days? Sure it sounds like one of those too good to be true propositions. But if it were possible, wouldn’t you want to try it?
Of course, nobody really believes their life can dramatically transform overnight. Most goals worth obtaining take time to reach. But when you view your goals as far off in the distance, it can be hard to take that first step towards reaching them.

It’s all too easy to procrastinate, to tell yourself it’s too hard, your dreams are too far away, and that you’re just too busy today. So you keep putting things off and time keeps on passing by. But it doesn’t have to. You can learn to carpe diem and get started on transforming your life right now. If you take these steps listed below then ten days from now you might be able to look back and honestly say your life has changed for the better.
1 – Learn How to Not Win
Letting go of the desire to always win can help heal relationships that are wrought with strife. It can also relieve a lot of the stress that comes from arguing with loved ones and co-workers. Admitting when you are wrong is just part of it, but it’s a big part. You can also decrease stress and arguing in your relationships by learning how to not win even when you’re right.
If the matter is something trivial (you know your significant other misplaced the remote control but she/her swears that you did) and the only good that can come from it is you feeling justified in being right, why not just let it go? Try it and see how liberating it feels. At first you might struggle with the temptation to prove yourself. But eventually you’ll realize how much more enjoyable it is to not argue.
2 – Set Small Health Goals
Heart disease remains a top killer of both men and women in this country. In addition, obesity rates continue to rise. Many adults and children in America suffer from issues related to poor diet and lack of exercise. But if you’re struggling with your health, changing this can seem like an insurmountable task. The trick is to start out with small challenges and work your way up.
Get started on your way to being healthier by thinking of one change you could make today. Pick a small goal at first like trying to drink mostly water or walking for 20 minutes several times a week. If those goals seem too easy, pick a more challenging one like jogging 3 times a week and cutting down junk food intake. Keep a food and exercise diary for 10 days and look back on your progress at the end of that time period. Then set more challenging goals for the next 10 days.
3 – Take a Step Back
You’d be surprised how much stress and anxiety in our lives comes from stepping into other people’s drama. You don’t have to be a drama queen to be constantly inviting drama into your life. Maybe you’re always sticking up for people who won’t stick up for themselves. Or, maybe you are the shoulder that everyone knows they can cry on. Regardless, when you allow other people to draw you into their emotional turmoil this can have a negative impact on your own emotions.
So do you have to start ignoring people when they need you? Of course not. But no one should be constantly asking you to fight his or her battles or unloading a ton of emotional baggage on you. Learn how to step back and recognize that you’re responsible for your actions and emotions and no one else’s. If you can learn how to not get dragged into other people’s drama, you’ll be happier. Not only that, but you’ll have more time to focus on your own life.
4 – Save for a Rainy Day
Knowing you have some money in the bank in case of emergencies can bring so much peace of mind. Not only that, but it can keep you from having to take financial risks if and when an emergency does pop up. Even if you don’t think you have room in your monthly budget to invest or open up a retirement fund, you can gain more peace of mind by having some sort of savings right now.
Start out by making a monthly budget if you don’t have one already. Next, go through that budget and look for ways you can save. It may mean going out to eat less or giving up an expensive bad habit. Even if you just make a goal to save five, ten, or twenty dollars a week, it’s a start. Just creating a budget and deciding to save is actually a huge step in the right direction. Your money will add up over time, but you’ll have peace of mind right away.
5 – Focus on the Positive
Learning not to dwell in negativity can truly transform your life. Start out by really paying attention to the words that you’re speaking. Ask yourself if they are positive or negative. Assess your own speech for a day or two. You may also start to notice that others around you are often speaking negatively. But remember, you can only control what you say and do.
Positive thinking takes practice, especially if you’re accustomed to worrying or being defensive. You might try thinking of three things you’re feeling content or excited about each morning when you wake up. When speaking with others, try to avoid gossip and other harmful speech. Make a list of things you’re grateful for in life and try to add to it every day.
It’s true that most worthwhile goals will take longer than 10 days to accomplish. But every journey starts with that one step. Start working towards your goals today and you’ll be that much closer to the life you want.
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