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6 Sports Seniors Can Enjoy

It’s important for everybody to stay as active as possible, and seniors are no exception. Physical activity is good for the body, mind and spirit. In addition to that, it can be fun provided you find a type of exercise that’s enjoyable to you. Keep reading to learn about six of the top sports seniors, even older seniors, can safely enjoy.


Golf is a popular senior sport. Not only is it a way to get more exercise into your daily life, but it is an activity that can be shared with friends. As a senior golfer you should not expect to be able to play the way you did when you were young, but what you can do is play the best game possible for as long as possible.6 Sports Seniors Can Enjoy | Globe Life

You can do this by incorporating strength and flexibility exercises into your regular routine. The strength exercises will help you retain the strong core you need to play the game, and the flexibility exercises will help protect you from injury.


Swimming is one of the best sports for the body at any age. Those who love swimming can enjoy it all during their lifetime. Swimming strengthens and tones all parts of the body and, unlike high impact sports, swimming exercises the body while it is not bearing its own weight.

Swimming improves cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility, balance, and muscle strength as well. It tones muscles, which gives the swimmer a more attractive physical appearance. It improves posture and like other exercises is a stress reducer.

Water Aerobics

Water aerobics has become very popular in senior communities and at local pools and YMCAs. It is good for the cardiovascular system and for muscle endurance and strength. Like swimming, water aerobics helps seniors exercise without fear of injury. And muscle tone, as well as strength, is built up faster because the body has to push against the water.


Many seniors enjoy different kinds of sport fishing because it is relaxing and at the same time exciting. Fishing is another sport that you can enjoy all through your life.

Fly fishing is popular in many parts of the country and can be done in fresh or salt water. Bass fishing is also popular. There are associations just for senior bass fisherman, 50 and older. In many states fishing licenses are not required for those who are 65 and older.


Yoga is another gentle way to stay in shape. It calms the mind and improves the balance and can be done in just minutes a day. Yoga can be practiced at home with the use of a DVD or at your local community center and many gyms and fitness centers now offer classes at all levels. Seniors who haven’t done yoga before will want to begin with Hatha, which will still tone muscles and benefit balance and flexibility.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is referred to as a moving meditation. Like yoga it can be done at home with a DVD or practiced in a group setting. It is a gentle but effective exercise that benefits the mind as well as the body. Unlike some forms of exercise that require quick movements, Tai Chi is composed of slow, graceful movements that leave you feeling calm and relaxed. It also tones the body, increases flexibility, and improves balance.

Whatever your interests or goals are, there is a sport for you. Starting up a new type of exercise or getting back into the routine of doing something active you once loved isn’t too difficult. Just begin slowly so your muscles can get used to the work again. And don’t forget the discount stores and second hand sports stores when you’re looking for equipment.

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