Food That Isn’t As Healthy As You Think

By Mike Elman •
August 30, 2017
Food That Isn’t As Healthy As You Think
Many food brands make claims that what they’re advertising is healthy. After all, their foods may include whole grains, fruits and vegetables. However, often the so called “healthy” food is actually loaded with sugar and is probably not a healthy food choice at all.

The following are a variety of foods that may not be as healthy as you think they are ...
- Granola – Granola is widely known for being a great snack in bar form or as a great addition to cereal or yogurt. Unfortunately, granola can be loaded with sugar, which can take away all of the nutritious value you were going for. If you are a granola fan and would like to add it into your meal plan, try making it from homemade recipes rather than buying the boxed or packaged versions.
- Agave – It was previously thought that agave was a better alternative than sugar, but the fact is, agave is high in fructose and can increase the risk for cardiovascular disease, weight gain from belly fat and insulin resistance for both diabetics and non-diabetics.
- Bran muffins – While bran muffins may be healthier than a frosted donut, the truth is that even a bran muffin is loaded with fat and sugar, and most likely contains more wheat flour than actual bran. To ensure a muffin includes whole grains it’s best to make it yourself from scratch.
- Detox juices – Juicing has become a fad for diets and weight loss; however, many juice cleanses are actually full of sugar. In addition, if you are replacing a meal by juicing your fruits and vegetables, you are missing protein into your diet which is essential to good health. Eating the actual fruits and vegetables rather than juicing can provide more fiber and is ultimately healthier.
- Dried fruit – Although eating dried fruit may be a healthier option than chips or cookies, dried fruit is still a sugary snack. Sugar is often added to dried fruit, which makes it more like candy than a healthy treat. When choosing a dried fruit snack, check the label for sugar content.
- Flavored or fruit-added yogurt – Yogurt is often considered a low-fat, healthy snack, but yogurt can be loaded with sugar, especially if syrupy fruit has been added. When buying yogurt, look for plain Greek yogurt. Then add your own fresh fruit or honey for a sweeter taste.
- Energy and protein bars – Many so called meal replacement bars or snack bars are loaded with sugar and are high in fructose corn syrup. It’s usually a healthier choice to eat a nutritious meal or choose an apple or banana for a snack rather than to replace that meal or snack with an energy bar.
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