Do Stay At Home Moms Need Life Insurance

Many families perhaps don’t consider the importance of life insurance for moms that work inside the home. Although a stay-at-home mom may not be the main bread winner in the family, they are a vital asset to the family circle. The impact of losing a mom that works inside the home would not only be emotionally devastating for the family, but it could be financially devastating as well.
It’s important to consider the cost of replacing all of the positions that you fill as a stay-at-home mom. In 2014, reported that the annual salary of a stay-at-home mom would be $118,905 per year if they were to get paid for all of the jobs that they performed. In addition, Dave Ramsey, founder of Financial Peace University, estimated in 2006 that an insurance policy in the amount of $300,000 to $400,000 was necessary to cover the costs of what a stay-at-home mom does every day. It is true that a mom can never be replaced, but if something were to happen, your spouse would need to bring in help to cover your absence.

One of the biggest expenses that a family would face is the cost of child care. According to a recent poll, parents spend an average of $15,895 for full-time infant care. It is further noted that one year of after school child care at a center averaged $10,720 per child.
If your child is homeschooled, you would also need to take into consideration the costs your family would need to pay if you were not there. An insurance policy could help pay for a private school or teacher, if public school is not an option that you want to consider.
Parents want to be able to provide for their children and give them the best things in life. From the simplicity of new toys, to cars to drive as teenagers and all the way to college expenses, parents want to provide for their kids. Money can never take the place of a lost parent, but being able to leave your children any kind of financial inheritance can give your family some peace of mind.
According to the National Funeral Directors Association, in 2014, an average funeral cost can be upwards of $10,000. It’s very difficult for most households to try to absorb that amount without life insurance. More than likely, you will be around to help provide for your kids, spoil your grandchildren and even your great-grandchildren for many years, but knowing your family is taken care of by securing life insurance and simply paying a monthly insurance premium, makes perfect sense.
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