How to Lose Weight after Having a Baby

It’s normal to be concerned about getting your weight back to normal after you’ve had a baby and it’s not as hard as you might think. Here are four practical steps that will help get you there.
Eat a Healthy Diet
Sounds obvious, right? But this is an especially busy time in your life and even though you’re trying to lose weight, it’s not the time to go on a crazy crash diet. What you need to do is to maintain – continue on for an extended period of time – a sensible, healthy diet. It took you nine months to gain the weight, so don’t worry if it takes you a while to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight. Make your goal one to two pounds a week, and remember that weight lost fast can come back just as fast, while weight lost slowly is gone for good.
Resume an Exercise Program
Unless you had a C-section, you can begin exercising again within weeks of giving birth. Walking is a good way to start back, because it’s a gentle start and you can take the baby with you.
There are lots of home videos to help you exercise in your own living room, including some that focus specifically on losing baby weight. Find something you will enjoy doing and do it. If you have the time, you can walk and exercise. Babies like to get out of the house, too!
Get as Much Sleep as Possible
Lack of sleep can adversely affect efforts to lose weight. So get as much sleep as you can. You may be shouting:"How!?" The point is to make sleep a priority. No, you can’t control how many times a night the baby will wake you up, but you can control what you do when the baby is sleeping or napping. Baby comes first right now, but be sure your health does not get neglected. Most everything else can wait. Sleep is good for your health and your nerves, as well as for regaining your strength. Once you get yourself back in order, you can deal with the rest.
Get an Exercise Partner
If you can find another new mom to be your exercise partner, it’s a big advantage. You can swap diet, exercise and baby care tips, and most importantly you can encourage each other. For the most understanding, support, and encouragement, finding someone who’s dealing with the same issues you are can’t be beat.
Do Something Nice for Yourself
Feeling attractive is a sure-fire way to encourage yourself to keep dieting and exercising. Steal a little time off to give yourself or get yourself a manicure or pedicure or to have your hair cut – whatever makes you feel good.
Enjoy your baby days and don’t stress over your weight. This is a special time in your life and the life of your new child. Eat sensibly, exercise, rest, and the weight will come off gradually, as it is meant to.
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